A much anticipated mother/son trip started off a little hairy, with two attempts to land the plane on Kenyan soil causing more than a few passengers to go a little green, myself included. Having finally touched down we were met by our tour group and moving on African time, hit the road. Despite a flat tyre and stopping on the side of the road to fix the truck brakes, so far it has all been a big success and is surpassing my expectations (despite having been to Africa before).
The animals are amazing and we have seen (to name just a few), lionesses hunting (at least 10), a group of cheetahs sunning, elephants with their babies, rhinos, flamingos, a pile of zebras, impala, warthogs, giraffe etc etc
A highlight has been a balloon ride. Staying low to see the animals we got so close the basket almost touched the shrubs. The champagne breakfast was beautiful and the “loo with a view” was quite unexpected. The tour so far is excellent, the food amazing (I’m using that word a lot) and yes, we are all taking our malaria tablets.
Travelling from Kenya to Uganda our experience just gets better. Saw a leopard……finally.
Trekked through the jungle and found chimps- they weren’t as excited to see us as we were to see them. One threw a big tree branch and it hit 2 of us.
A hippo was munching outside our tent last night – how unreal. Some of our team were not so much excited as terrified, but Damian and I think it’s all brilliant. Did I mention I am sharing a two man tent with my 22 year old son and it’s going well.
Yet to see the gorilla’s, but its coming and we have done all this and still not touched the medical kits….
Kim-Louise Burke