travel health plus-  providing travel medicine services since 1998

Individuals looking to make an appointment for a new trip or medical should book online using the ‘Initial Appointment’ (orange) tab below.
If we have already seen you for a trip and you wish to see us again for follow up for the same trip, please click on the ‘Follow Up‘ (green) tab.
If couples/travel partners wish to visit together, please book for one person and email us with details of both to
If three or more of you wish to come to an appointment together (for the same trip), please email us your preferred day and time and we will get back in touch. We are open Monday to Friday during business hours.
In addition to Travel Medicine appointments Dr David Rutherford  offers Diving medicals and Dr Christopher Rynn  offers Diving and Aviation medicals.

Our contact number is 08 9336 6630. Please be aware that whilst our reception staff are very helpful, they cannot provide medical advice.