
Meningitis C Vaccination Program in Fiji

We are very proud of our involvement with the UNICEF Champion for Children’s program, through our own Vax4Vax initiative. The 2018 outbreak of meningococcal C in Fiji is one example of UNICEF’s rapid response to children in need. UNICEF, WHO and the Fiji government recently launched a vaccination program aimed at providing immunisations to over 350,000 children and adolescents, after the country’s health department confirmed 34 cases up to the end of March. Travellers to Fiji should discuss this and other risks with a travel medicine specialist, as vaccination may be recommended.

Always relevant, the increase in meningococcal cases in Australia in the past few years has seen the ACWY vaccine offered free by the WA Health Department to age groups 1-4 years and 15-19 year olds and our clinic has plenty on hand for those who haven’t had theirs as yet. Individuals in other high risk groups are also encouraged to seek advice about the need for vaccination.